Dream Jar comes to us from the Moth Spirit Guide who is extremely connected to the dream realm/ astral plane.
This jar was created using specific herbs, Reiki energy and intentions to bring through clearer dreams as well as assist you in remembering them. I want you to connect with it through meditation or simply by holding it in your hand with intention. Place it on your alter or preferably your nightstand.
Moth is asking that each night before bed you hold your dream jar, speaking your intention for the nights rest and dreams.
“ Moth Spirit Guide, please wrap your wings of warding and protection around me as I sleep, may my bed and this room provide me with the nourishing rest my body, mind and soul needs. I ask that you guide me through my dreams in the astral plane, bringing through the dreams, communication and integration of energies I need for my highest good.”
Another use of this jar could be to fill it with your dreams (manifestations) and ask moth to carry them in your dreams to your higher self and spirit guides.
What’s in the Moth Dream Jar?
Base- Black Salt- protection and purification
Mugwort-protection & psychic abilities (funny enough it repels moths- I think this is a wonderful representation of using it to banish illusion or following false lights so that you may see your own light clearly and truly.) Mugwort assists in a restful night sleep and aids in receiving messages from dreams.
Blue sand- throat chakra activation
Turmeric- peace, creativity and love- clears away stagnant energy
Lavender -intuition, healing, awareness. Brings peace to your dreams
Chamomile-Self love, nurturing, childhood memories through dreams,
Torch Bearer Crystal mix- red jasper, moon stone, clear quartz, moss agate & sodalite
Rose-protection & love
Mint- opening the door between realms, psychic abilities, aids in communication with the divine, your higher self and loved ones.
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