Death & Rebirth Oil is connected with the All Hallows' Eve Spirit Guide. It can be used as an annointing oil for candles or magical workings. Reiki and herbal infused pumpkin & jojoba oils infusion/ magical intentions:
- Dried orange- Creativity & Purification
- Rosemary - Memory & Protection
- Rose- Love, Intuition & Protection
- Lavender- Peace, Intuition & Healthy Awearness
- Lemon Balm- Happiness & Abundance
- Passion Flower- Love, Creativity & New Beginings
- Cinnamon- Abundance of Self Love, Sucess, Healing & Spiritual Development
- Chamomile- Peace & Self love
- St. John's Wort- Protection, Psychic Abilities & Clarity
Add your own intentions this oil assists in the releasing, cleansing and intergration as to create space for the new.
3 sizes avilable * 4 oz bottle photoed *if you would like the Oil of Warming from the winter spirit guide oil roller instead simply memo in your order
**You may also use the rebirth oil on your body * do a small test area to sense for sensitivity and use in small amounts as it is a potent oil. Consult doctor before working with herbs in this way and do your research! If you have any herbal allergies i reccomend researching each herb before applying your test area